Notre équipe

Magdalena Kołecka
Maitre Magdalena Kołecka est fondatrice et associée du Cabinet. Elle concentre sa pratique sur les dossiers du droit des affaires, commercial et immobilier. Elle a conseillé de nombreuses fois dans le cadre de la vente d’entreprises et de biens immobiliers. Elle a également participé à différents projets d’infrastructure, dont certains liés à un partenariat public-privé. Elle a également assisté un consortium bancaire et de fonds étrangers dans le cadre du recouvrement de créances sur un encours dépassant 500 millions d’euros. Maitre Magdalena Kołecka a développé une forte expertise au sein des cabinets d’avocats internationaux, en exerçant entre autres au sein des cabinets Gide Loyrette Nouel à Paris et Eversheds à Londres. Elle est diplômée de l’Ecole du Droit américain gérée en coopération avec l’Université de Floride. Elle parle couramment l’anglais et possède une bonne maitrise du français.

Katarzyna Skoczylas
Attorney at law
I specialise in civil law and real estate law. I do real estate due diligence, participate in negotiating real estate transactions, draft and negotiate lease agreements. I take part in real estate development projects. For many years I worked with Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Państwa Prawa, where I provided legal advice to refugees. I am fluent in English and communicate in Russian.

Alicja Cegielska-Rola
Trainee attorney at law
I am a specialist in contracts, corporate law, employment law and GDPR. I work for global clients – I help them run their business in Poland. My passion is the law of new technologies. I am currently active in the Human Rights and Rule of Law Committee of the Bar in Wrocław. I am fluent in English.

Emil Koźbiał
Trainee attorney at law
I am a specialist in the area of debt recovery for our clients – I represent clients at both the pre-trial and trial stages. I advise on civil proceedings, enforcement, commercial and business law, real estate law, land and mortgage registers, insolvency proceedings, consumer law (including consumer bankruptcy). I am a member of the Commission on the Rule of Law and Human Rights at the Bar in Wrocław and a member of the Lawyers’ Network of the Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law. I work in English.

Małgorzata Zawadzka
Trainee advocate
I am a qualified Mediator at the Mediation Centre at the Supreme Bar Council. I mainly deal with cases in the field of civil, commercial and criminal law ( economic crimes). I represent clients at both the pre-trial and trial stages, conducting negotiations and drafting contracts. I work in English and communicate in German.

Małgorzata Krawiec
I deal with commercial law, including KRS registration proceedings. I prepare GDPR documentation. I support the team in day-to-day legal and administrative activities. I work in English and communicate in Russian.

Anna Gołębiowska-Zwoniarska
Sworn translator
I am a sworn translator of the English language. I often work for global clients on all types of transactions. I provide legal and business interpreting and translation services, support clients during court proceedings, arbitration hearings, negotiations or transactions before a notary public.